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This holiday season we bring together six unique faces for the celebration we’re all hoping we can have. Scouted through a social media casting call, they all have fearless self-expression in common. Sharing their personal take on beauty and the festive season for a spot in the campaign, each individual has a compelling story to tell…

Beauty enthusiast and YouTuber Ling (@avatarling) loves to talk about makeup and experimenting with creative new looks. She believes that it’s those so-called imperfections that make a person beautiful - for her, it’s the moles that form a diagonal across her face.

I entered the Find Me Unique competition because…

I had never come across something like this where regular consumers could get the opportunity to participate in something so big. I thought it was a really exciting chance to be involved in a project that embraces unique beauty and to possibly be a new face of a beauty retailer that I enjoy supporting. So I just went for it! 

For me, unique beauty is about…

Recognising and appreciating personal traits which set me apart and make me feel confident. They may be unusual, but they’re features that contribute to making you beautiful.

My go-to makeup look is...

Not covering up the plentiful moles on my face, they’re all beauty spots to me now! I love doing bold, colourful looks and I don’t mind if they draw any attention to my moles because they’re here to stay and it’s pretty cool that some of them line up diagonally!

If I could speak to my younger self…

I would say ‘try more things!’ Even if you think you may not be good at them, or you think you’ll look stupid - it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. What’s important is that you experience as many potentially wonderful and fun things as possible.

My favourite words to live by are…

‘Keep trying, you’ll get it eventually!’ I’m a firm believer in resilience and I think that even if something takes you far longer or many more attempts to achieve, the fact that you try is wonderful and a testament to your strength. 

My favourite beauty products right now...

I’m always reaching for the e.l.f 16 hr Camo Concealer - it’s got fantastic coverage, yet doesn’t look or feel heavy on the skin. I enjoy dotting it around my face blending it in when I’m not feeling a full face of foundation. The Maybelline Lash Sensational Waterproof Mascara is my holy grail mascara. It does everything I want - it holds the curl exceptionally well, it lengthens, and it thickens my lashes without making them clumpy.

My best beauty hack is…

Double eye priming. I have incredibly oily eyelids, so I find that my eyeshadow creases all the time. To combat this, I put down a layer of eye primer, set with a powder, apply matte eyeshadow, then put down another layer of eye primer on top where I’m going to apply my shimmer shadow. Someone left a comment on my YouTube channel suggesting this method, and now I use it all the time! It really helps to extend the longevity of my eyeshadow and I can get up to 12 hours of crease-proof wear now. 

I love Christmas because…

I think it’s unique in that it’s unparalleled in the feeling of warmth and togetherness, and in bringing families together. Sure, there are other celebrations throughout the year, but Christmas is definitely the biggest one and there’s just something so special about the festive spirit.

In 2022, I’m most looking forward to...

International travel! I love exploring new places and learning about different cultures, so I hope the pandemic situation continues to improve in 2022.

Discover more from our Faces of Unique