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Despite their first date ending in an accidental  £300 taxi fare, this pair was hooked from the start, 100% believing in love at first sight. Another dating app win, proof that it really does happen, marketing specialist Kerry and risk assessor Tim are now engaged. After three Covid induced cancellations, they’re  hoping to get their ‘big fat Indian wedding’ as well as a church ceremony this year. Fingers crossed!

What was your first date?

Tim: Do you want to give your version?
Kerry: So we went for dinner and drinks, we had quite a lot of drinks, and I said I was going to get the bus back, you were really polite and was like, “No, I'll get the bus back with you.” And then I needed to book you a taxi and that’s where I left until the next day when you messaged me to say that you just paid £300 for a taxi last night.
Tim: Yeah, so it's like 1am, Friday night, Uber surcharge, and she accidentally clicked Uber Executive, luxury instead of standard. Kerry: I did offer to pay half but he said no.

What's unique about Tim?

Kerry: You're probably the only person that can put up with me on a daily occurrence. I think everybody in our friendship and family, especially my parents, agree with that. Tim: Kerry is very witty, chatty, she's got a good aura about her, she gets on with everyone. It's nice to just put her in an unfamiliar environment, and she just just gets on with anyone. And it's really nice, puts a smile on my face.

What is love?

Kerry: For me, it can be anyone, anything, it's just having that, having that person or, you know, animal or anything and having that appreciation and that connection. I think connection is definitely a big thing and I've always felt that.
Tim: Yeah, it's a special connection with a special person and a unique happiness that you share with that person.
Kerry: Or thing! I love my dog, Winston. But yeah, it's how that connection makes you feel.

When do you feel the most loved?

Tim: When we're having a meal together, especially when there’s aioli or truffle involved.
Kerry: I think for us it's, without sounding corny, but we have such busy lives and there's always a million things going on, so we’re learning to have one on one time with each other and living together and having that understanding. In the last two weeks, living together has been such a joy.

When you eventually get to have your wedding, what’s the plan?

Kerry: So we're going to have two weddings. We're going to have the church wedding, which is going to be a bit more low key, very much us, simple, a time to spend with our family. And then we're going to have the big, fat Indian wedding.?
Tim: With 500 people, music, food, booze, everything.
Kerry: We're just going to have a massive celebration. And yeah, why not? We've got the chance, so we're just going to have the best of both worlds.

You were Born This Way…

Kerry: Sassy.
Tim: Calm.

Kerry, who’s Mr Right?

Kerry: The man sitting next to me, that I’m going to marry this summer.

Tim, who’s Mrs Right?

Tim: Charlize Theron.